Monday, March 7, 2011

...Love Life.

...Love Life. Two simple words I have learned... Tomorrow is not promised to no one. I just feel that with me being so young I shouldn't have had to deal with issues like this, but it taught me a lesson, to live each day as my last. Makes everything worthwhile. Life is a privilege. Death is inevitable. This I know. But I just hate when my peers have their privilege is taken away early. 
Kids are not supposed to die. It is against all the rules of nature. It isn't fair. It should not happen. Unfortunately, it does happen and when it does, it scares the living shit out of me because I realize that it could easily be me at ANY given time. most young people often think that they are immune to death. They think that death only happens to old people. Its 2011 and I'm here to tell you to Love Life.

~Rest In Peace Lil Pedro~

Emotion Control

Controlling your emotions doesn't mean ignoring them. It means you recognize them and act on them when it is appropriate, not randomly and uncontrollably. I am not going to lie. I suck at this. For one, I am an extremely emotional guy and it has been said that I am dramatic( I clearly/Strongly DISagree). Anywho, being in control of our emotions is a hard practice that needs to focus on our thoughts and actions at all times. All the time I'm watching myself and still I can lose it. There have been nights before going to bed I review my day's interaction with people and analyse my actions by questioning how could I be different? I always end up with the "I probably should have just...". 

At the end of the day, I've realized, I cannot change or control my emotions. I can learn how to be with them, living peacefully with them, releasing them, and I can manage them, but I cannot control them. I am fine with this. My emotions and I are connected. I think being strongly connected to your emotional life is essential to living a life with high energy and a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It's when you dont let it show that you go bookoo fucking crazy and snap somebody's fucking neck! 

Don’t be afraid of your emotions.  Don’t fight them, run away from them,  nor block them out.  Welcome them, regardless of what they are.  We were born with all emotions.  They are neither good or bad, they just are emotions. 


Be Honest

Dating is complex, but also it's kind of hard to let someone down when you're not interested in them. Some people don't know how to tell someone that they're not interested in them romantically or seeking a relationship with them. This is where many make the mistake of not telling someone the truth about how they're feeling and not being straight with them about continuing the relationship. When you're not honest with people with how you're feeling you make problems for yourself when you can't tell them the truth. A person would rather hear the truth than to be left wondering what they did wrong. Granted, some of us may not be interested in someone or somebody, but what will save a lot of added stress down the line is to tell that person the truth and be honest. Honesty is something that is going to get one further along than someone who can't tell someone the truth and not expect them to read minds.

The fact that honesty is not being used and thats what creates issues for many people. There should be a set of rules in dating that should include mandatory honesty if you are not interested in that person or staying in a relationship. Most of us are seeking a quality dating relationship, but some of us are not using the sense God gave us to really read signals especially when someone's not interested in them. It's not that someone's not into you, it's just that they're not interested in dating you. If that makes any sense. It's easy to get one's feelings wrapped up in dating, but it's also ideal to know when to cut your losses and MOVE THE HELL ON. It's better to be upfront and honest than to be facing someone who you hurt, but could have avoided all that by telling the truth and being honest with that person. Dating is stressful enough without the endless games people are playing these days and have no real consideration towards others by not being open and honest. 

The worst thing is someone playing like they're your woman or man and that's the worst thing someone can do to you. The fucked up thing about it is how many people are being taken for a ride with someone who's using them for their own selfish gain. The most common sign that someone's not into you is when they're only calling you for something they need or want... they don't call for anything else. It's bad when someone's using you and you believe that they're genuinely interested in you, in so many cases that person isn't interested in any part of you. They're doing two things one is trying to spare your feelings, and two taking advantage of you. Here's the thing there's damage and feelings do get hurt...mainly the person who is being taken for a ride. fuck that let me out, I'd rather BEAT MY FEET ON THE PAVEMENT!

Your best bet is to catch the signs that someone's not interested in you early on because it will save a lot of stress, heartache, and drama. If someone tells you that they're not feeling you it's time to look at that and move on because there are too many buses coming in the next 15 for you to be wasting your time with someone who's not worth the games and stress. If someone's dropping hints that they're not interested that's your cue to move on. If someone tells you upfront and flat out they're not interested it's best to move on. It's the difference between continuing to hurt yourself or making room for someone who's truly interested in you and is available for relationships and dating. You save a lot of stress and anxiety by reading body language and even the person's actions such as calling, texting, and coming around. If you find yourself involved with someone who ONLY TEXTS you or takes a long time to return phone calls he or she is not really that interested in you. Men and women who are serious about dating you will call, text, and see you when they say they will NOT when they feel like it.
