Monday, March 7, 2011

Emotion Control

Controlling your emotions doesn't mean ignoring them. It means you recognize them and act on them when it is appropriate, not randomly and uncontrollably. I am not going to lie. I suck at this. For one, I am an extremely emotional guy and it has been said that I am dramatic( I clearly/Strongly DISagree). Anywho, being in control of our emotions is a hard practice that needs to focus on our thoughts and actions at all times. All the time I'm watching myself and still I can lose it. There have been nights before going to bed I review my day's interaction with people and analyse my actions by questioning how could I be different? I always end up with the "I probably should have just...". 

At the end of the day, I've realized, I cannot change or control my emotions. I can learn how to be with them, living peacefully with them, releasing them, and I can manage them, but I cannot control them. I am fine with this. My emotions and I are connected. I think being strongly connected to your emotional life is essential to living a life with high energy and a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It's when you dont let it show that you go bookoo fucking crazy and snap somebody's fucking neck! 

Don’t be afraid of your emotions.  Don’t fight them, run away from them,  nor block them out.  Welcome them, regardless of what they are.  We were born with all emotions.  They are neither good or bad, they just are emotions. 


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