Monday, March 7, 2011

...Love Life.

...Love Life. Two simple words I have learned... Tomorrow is not promised to no one. I just feel that with me being so young I shouldn't have had to deal with issues like this, but it taught me a lesson, to live each day as my last. Makes everything worthwhile. Life is a privilege. Death is inevitable. This I know. But I just hate when my peers have their privilege is taken away early. 
Kids are not supposed to die. It is against all the rules of nature. It isn't fair. It should not happen. Unfortunately, it does happen and when it does, it scares the living shit out of me because I realize that it could easily be me at ANY given time. most young people often think that they are immune to death. They think that death only happens to old people. Its 2011 and I'm here to tell you to Love Life.

~Rest In Peace Lil Pedro~

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